2SA1266 транзистор характеристики, аналоги, datasheet, параметры, цоколевка, маркировка A1266

A1013 transistor datasheet: equivalent, pinout, specification - transistors


Таблица содержит перечень элементов, предлагаемых для замены. Отбор производился по параметрам транзистора, – заголовкам столбцов таблицы. Исполнение – корпус ТО-92, структура – PNP.

Аналог VCEO IC PC hFE fT
КТА1266 50 0,15 0,625 70 80
Импортное производство
2SA1015 50 0,15 0,4 70 80
2SB560 80 0,7 0,75 60 50
KSA1015 50 0,15 0,4 70 80
KSA708C 60 0,7 0,8 40 30
KSA709C 150 0.7 0,8 70 50
KSA733C 50 0,15 0,25 50 40
KTA1267 50 0,15 0,4 70 80
KTA1279 300 0,5 0,625 40 50
2SA1137 80 0,1 0,3 100 90
2SA1136, 80 0,1 0,3 100 90
2SA970, 120 0,1 0,3 200 100

Примечание: характеристики параметров транзитора взяты из даташип производителя.

A1013 transistor explanation for electrical specification and application

In this section we try to explain the electrical specifications of the A1013 transistor, this explanation will help us to know about the transistor.

Voltage specs

The terminal voltage specs of the A1013 transistor collector to base and collector to emitter voltage value is -160V and emitter to base voltage is -6v, the terminal voltage shows that these transistors had higher voltage values.

 The collector to emitter voltage value is -1.5V, it is the voltage at a specific condition where voltage and current are at constant or zero condition.

The voltage value of the A1013 transistor shows that it is a transistor having higher voltage and switching applications.

Current specs

The collector current value is -1A, it is the maximum load capacity of the transistor.

In switching applications, the A1013 transistor had many important roles to play.

Current gain specs

The current gain value of the A1013 transistor is 60 to 320hFE, it is the amplification capacity of a transistor device.

Transition frequency

The bandwidth transition frequency value of the A1013 transistor is 15 to 50MHz, this transistor had a low-frequency range.

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